
bernar venet

So you probably have been Hermann park and you have seen some huge sculpture that look interesting but slightly rusty... well it is a new exhibit that is only limited until October 2010. Look below to see all the sculptures and descriptions. Then of course go and check them out!

The Monumental Sculpture of
Hermann Park, Houston
sponsored by Texan-French Alliance for the Arts
January 23 - October 2010

view the press release
view biography
view map of sculptures at hermann park 

221.5° arc x 28 (Leaning Arcs) , 2008
Cor-ten steel
four sections: 130 x 158.25 x 49.5 inches (Hermann Park)

12 Straight Lines, 2007
Cor-ten steel
354 x 98 x 78 inches
(Hermann Park)

Three Indeterminate Lines, 2003
Cor-ten steel
103 x 173 x 109 inches
(Hermann Park)

Arcs in Disorder: 3 Arcs x 5, 2002-2003
Cor-ten Steel
161.5 x 161.5 x 35.5 inches each
(Hermann Park)

more after the jump....

97.5° Arc x 9, 2007
Cor-ten steel
300 x 96 x 72 inches
(Hermann Park)\

220.5° Arc x 15, 2006
Cor-ten steel
161.5 x 161.5 x 35.5 inches each
(Hermann Park)

Four Indeterminate Lines, 1997
Cor-ten Steel
114 x 180 x 112 inches
(Hermann Park)

Random Combination of Indeterminate Lines, 1990
Cor-ten steel
approx. surface area: 473 x 473 inches
(Hermann Park)

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